Rachel rides 500km

Cover Rachel rides 500km
  • 1.304€ Donati
  • 1.000€ Obiettivo
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130% Raccolti

Rachel rides 500km

Ride for joy 2019

Wish me luck as I try to keep up with the pros on a rather long – and hilly – ride through Italy, raising money to support the work of Dynamo Camp.

We’ll set off from the GSK headquarters in Siena and travel north to the Verona office –  riding 500 km over 5 days. On day 2 we’ll cycle into the mountains to visit Dynamo Camp and learn more about their work and how our partnership makes a difference.

Dynamo Camp is a recreational camp where sick children can go and stay during or after treatment to relax and take part in activities including sport and theatre.

We’ll be planning some fundraising events throughout the summer – watch this space and get involved! #Rideforjoy

My Italian is basic, but I have worked out that to donate now, you click ‘Dona ora’ 😊



*To be clear – all donations go to the charity not to funding the event *


  • Anonimo
    From the Listers
  • Anonimo
    Pledge for Tom from Rose
  • 20,00€ Chichi Abraham-Igwe
  • 30,00€ Mike Hann
    Enjoy the scenery and pedal hard😊😊
  • 20,00€ Lesley Arthur
    Buona Fortuna, Rachel
  • Anonimo
    From the Harding family
  • 50,00€ Pippa Sunter
    Go Rachel and all the team!
  • 10,00€ Siwan Oldham
    Pledge for Tom
  • 21,00€ Anonimo
    Pledge for #trainwithtony (Tom from Renita)
  • 21,00€ Anonimo
    Train with tony pledge (Grant) + cards
  • 50,00€ Sandrine Atkins
    From the Train with Tony event in Stevenage - well done all
  • 50,00€ Rob MacRae
    Happy riding, Tony and Rachel!
  • Anonimo
    Go Rachel!!
  • 20,00€ Gabriela Lavezzari Gabriela
    Forza e coraggio! That's an italian way of saying to give encouragement.
  • 16,00€ Anonimo
    Card orders
  • Anonimo
    Way to go Tom and Rachel
  • 20,00€ Yuka Osako
    Good luck, Rachel!
  • 20,00€ Emma Koppe
    Good Luck Rachel - show the men how its done!
  • 27,00€ Anonimo
    Card sale @ GSK House. All sold out!
  • 21,00€ Anonimo
    Donation from Kudzi
  • 53,00€ Anonimo
    Pledge for #trainwithTony - Kate
  • 30,00€ Ruud De Wildt
    Best of luck with the ride Rachel. Thanks for doing this. We will be morally supporting you.
  • 30,00€ Rachel Argo
    Busy day for cards!
  • 20,00€ Rachel Argo
    More cards!
  • 20,00€ David Michalovich
    Really enjoyed the Tour de Stevenage. Best of luck!
  • 20,00€ Tom Southgate
    Good Luck Rachel
  • 20,00€ Matt Cooke
    Thanks for a great Tour de Stevenage and best of luck for your bike ride
  • 20,00€ Fraser Cunningham
    Good Luck Rachel!
  • 50,00€ Steve Martin
    Go Rachel - don't leave the boys too far behind, and remember gelato is the perfect post-ride recovery food!
  • 20,00€ Afjal Miah
    Best of luck Rachel - I'm sure you will smash it!
  • Anonimo
    From Helen/Elena
  • 20,00€ Grant McGonagle
    Good luck Rargo!
  • Anonimo
  • 15,00€ Rachel Argo
    Card sale pt 4! need more supplies!
  • 25,00€ Niall Anderson
    Good luck Rachel !
  • 20,00€ Amy Taylor
    Good luck! In boca al lupo!
  • 27,00€ Rachel Argo
    Card sale part 3 - need to restock!
  • 50,00€ Viv and Graham Miller
    in bocca al lupo!
  • 20,00€ Rachel Argo
    Card sale part 2 - thanks to everyone who bought one!
  • 55,00€ Rachel Argo
    Card sale part 1 - thanks to everyone who bought one!
  • Anonimo
  • 20,00€ Lara Overk
    Go Rachel and team GSK! We are cheering you on from Pennsylvania.
  • Vishal Sahni
    All the best!
  • 50,00€ Sam Bardsley
    Good luck, Rachel!
  • 50,00€ Anonimo
    Good luck from Mum and Dad x
  • 50,00€ Anonimo
    Good luck with the training and the ride!
  • 20,00€ Amy Cleaves
  • 20,00€ Steph Caun


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  • Rachel Argo


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