Pedalando per gli altri/Pedaling for the others

Cover Pedalando per gli altri/Pedaling for the others
  • 1.461€ Donati
  • 1.000€ Obiettivo
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146% Raccolti

Pedalando per gli altri/Pedaling for the others

I will be riding my bicycle for several hundred km to help others who are more needy than me. Please help them along with me. I will have you and the kids in my mind as I ride along the countryside.

I am very happy to participate in this iniziative that brings together the possibility to do something that I am passionate about, riding my bicycle, and helping needy people: kids for Dynamo Camp. My motivation is to help people as I am doing even with my job as a chemist in the pharma world where I indirectly get to patients important medicines that can make their life better, cure or even save their lives. Getting the possibilty to combine these two passions in one activity makes me even more enthusiastic and I hope that you will join me in this campaign.


  • Benedetta Di Palo
  • 50,00€ Pamela McGarva
    Go William!!
  • Bode Catherine
    Go, William, go!
  • 100,00€ Anonimo
    Thank you William for the opportunity to support such a noble cause. Please send photos of your journey.
  • 100,00€ Kristina Sennvik
    Climb every mountain, Ford every stream, Follow every rainbow, 'Til you find your dream
  • 200,00€ Carlo Curina
  • 50,00€ Antonietta Maiorino
    Enjoy every minute of this wonderful experience. Happy to support!
  • 50,00€ Marianna Stallone
    Thanks for all the smiles your ride will be able to donate to children and families in Dynamo Camp :-)
  • Kimber Poffenberger
    Great effort for a wonderful cause! thanks for the chance to support. Nicely done William!
  • 81,00€ Steven Rubin
    Congratulations to William who worked hard for a good cause.
  • 15,00€ Maria Silvia Rizzo
    Elisa, Silvia and Antonella
  • 25,00€ Giovanni Di Maio
    Great Job, William!
  • Isabelle Mignolet
  • simone gallo
  • 50,00€ Alana Guadagno
  • Tiziana Marrone
  • Brunella Brunelli
  • Anna Mendicino
    Good luck William and thanks for this!
  • Diana Oliveri
  • Valeria Catone
  • 20,00€ Enea Ndoni
  • 30,00€ Sandrine Lemaire
    wonderful project !
  • 25,00€ Jessica Lam
    Good luck William! A wonderful cause :)
  • Antonio Guzzi
  • Vanessa Ronconi
  • Valeria D'Orta
  • 20,00€ Mikkel Nissum
    Wonderful initative!
  • 50,00€ Eric Johnson
  • Leonardo Gherardini
  • 20,00€ Carlos Lima
    Go Willian
  • elsa nadler
    Wonderful program. I wish it much success.
  • Silvia Aiolli
  • 50,00€ William Nadler
  • Florence Jaumin


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  • William Nadler


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