Jeff Shikaze’s Ride for Joy

Cover Jeff Shikaze's Ride for Joy
  • 1.221€ Donati
  • 1.000€ Obiettivo
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122% Raccolti

Jeff Shikaze's Ride for Joy

Please support my ride to help Dynamo Camp

I am continuing my journey to raise funds for children in need.  GSK has partnered with Dynamo Camp in Italy helps children and their families during child illness.



  • 30,00€ Greg Andre-Barrett
    Thanks Jeff for helping others.
  • Andrea Bowker
  • 50,00€ Laura Dobson
  • Zoe Hamill
    Ride like the wind and enjoy every moment
  • 30,00€ Beverley Takaoka
    Good luck, Jeff! You are amazing!
  • 62,00€ Cathy Provencher
    Good luck Jeff. This will be another memorable ride!
  • K & S Shikaze
    Have a good safe ride!
  • 50,00€ Brian Armstrong
    Happy you are representing Canada once again!!!
  • 50,00€ Entela Brahimi
  • 50,00€ Kaz Shikaze
    Ride safely!!!
  • 25,00€ Mike Dragic
    Have a great ride and enjoy Italy!
  • Larry Longarini
    Again... well done Jeff! You will love Italy!
  • 50,00€ Kay Mulcaster
    Good luck to you. Hope you have a good ride and enjoy the countryside (and the food)
  • 25,00€ Tracy Pike
    Rubber side down, bright side up - have fun :)
  • Danny Baldwin
  • 25,00€ Dima Mutran
    Have fun Jeff! Dont forget to take a ton of pics :)
  • susan Melle
    Way to go Jeff
  • 50,00€ Marc Manalastas
    Bless you, Jeff! Together with the rest of the riders, have a SAFE and enjoyable journey for this great cause. Keep on pedaling this generous heart
  • 50,00€ Konstantinos Vossos
    Go Jeff!! Proud to support you.
  • Anonimo
    Multitask - enjoy the scenery and ride,
  • 50,00€ Thuy Tran
  • Bousquet Carl
  • 33,00€ Monika Glowacka
  • 25,00€ Fiona Halliday
    Go Jeff - with your legs of steel and your heart of gold!
  • 25,00€ Sandrine Atkins
    continua a pedalare Jeff
  • 50,00€ Christoph Eisen
    Have a great ride for dynamo ride
  • 33,00€ Ray Woo
    Go Jeff!
  • Anonimo


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  • Jeff Shikaze


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